Thursday, March 14, 2013

Greek Myths

Why do we look up to Greek myths so much?

Is it because they symbolize something we want to do but never could?  No!  That is not it.

Is it because we enjoy listening to legends of old?  No!  That is not it either.

I know why we look up to Greek myths of old.

It is because... well...maybe I will let you figure it out yourself.


Spring is the time for love to bloom any and everywhere.

It is the time for children to have fun with their kites.

Spring is a season unlike any other season.

Spring signals the cupid with his arrows of love.


Her eyes sparkle like the morning dew.

Her voice is a gentle whisper upon my neck.

Her touch is that of a thousand rose petals.

She glows with the light of a hundred moons.

When she is around it seems to always be a warm spring day.


I have no clue who this is about or when I wrote it.  It was so long ago.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Untitled Poem #2

There is a void in ones life when one is not doing what they love.

This void can only be filled with what one loves to do.

That is all, I mean it.  No more.


If you can read this you went too far.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Untitled Poem #1

This is not a is just some words set in a logical order which form a paragraph.

So when you read this you can think of it as a poem...but it would probably be best not to.

That is all.


I recently found a stash of my old poetry.  Most of this was written when I was young, around Jr. High.  I wrote a lot of this as a kid who had a hard time finding a girlfriend and an even harder time finding who I was.  I was in that awkward phase of life where I was forming and identity and had a very difficult time deciding what I was going to be.  I was jumping between skater, goth, slightly grunge and sometimes even mixed these all together in some amalgamation of Teen Spirit meets ICP meets Korn meets Garbage meets Elton John meets Journey meets Garth Brooks.

As you read the poetry remember I had no clue what I was doing.  I was trying to be pretentious and edgy and emotional and thought provoking but all it ended up being was a blender full of words, phrases, and teen angst.  

So...enjoy this romp through a teenagers failed poetry and feel free to comment, make fun, and laugh with me as my wife, my family and I have already done.  I will save the best (or worst depending on how you look at it) for last.